Sunday, September 5, 2010

We can beeee togeeeether... forever soooooomedaaaaaayyy! :)

Hello loved ones!!  Thanks for the e-mails!  (And thanks Ashley for sneaking in an e-mail to me :) You're the best! )

Well as you know this week I was in Tomsk, a different city about 9 1/2 hours an a bus.  It's a pretty cool city!  It reminds me of Irkutsk because it's smaller and has cool buildings like they do there.  The best part is the beautiful, big church building they have there!  It's the nicest I've seen yet in Russia.  I was with a Ukraninan sister named Sister Tanadaichuk.  We actually knew eachother in the MTC and have seen each other since we've been on our missions.  We had a good time together.  The sisters in Tomsk have amazing investigators, and that's who we met with most of time there.  I barely knew them, but I loved them for their faith and willingness to test our teachings and act on faith.  We actually set a baptisimal date with one of their investigators, so that was awesome.

On Sunday we decided to fast for the investigators in Tomsk, and I also fasted for mine here.  I have such a testimony of fasting- it works every time I fast.  I always also receive some kind of spiritual revelation that I needed at that time when I sacrifice for the Lord and fast.  After we fasted we were able to set a baptisimal date, and I've only been back one day, so we'll see what happens here in Barnaul. :)  Sister Tanadaichuk is a great teacher, and I learned a lot from her.

So that was my week!  Now I'm with Oksana, a member here in Barnaul.  She's been on a mini-mission, so she knows how to work, and the importance of keeping busy!  :)  Tomorrow we find out about transfers, and this time it's really a mystery.

I'm excited to hear about how everything went with the adoption and such!  Also, I hope that the adoption party was fun!  Mom, I thought about it, and do you remember that book about the Hungry Catepillar?  I don't remember exactly what it's called, but I remember that it had holes in the page and the catepillar eats all sorts of fruits and veggies.  That was one of my favorites. :)  I promise I will write something for her scrapbook, too.  I need to take time to think about it, so I will write it and then write you, ok?

That's so fun that Dayton and Clay were able to come there... I wish I could be there too but I will see you all soon!  I've been looking forward to you all coming in a few months as well!  I'll try to find out my release date and then let you know.  It's crazy how time is flying.

I hope you have fun riding your motorcycle, Dad!  Sounds like a great time!  I hope that someday I can get one and ride with ya... :)  By the way, I don't remember what the driver says.... I have a hard time remembering any song these days... :(  I hope you're happy about the house you're in right now and not bummed about not buying the other one.  Well I love you and good luck with everything!  Keep up the family history work!  How's it going, by the way?  I love you and thanks for everything!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOOTS!!!  Haha... I mean MOM!!  :) :)

I hope that it's super awesome for you!!  You're the best!

Well I love you all and I hope you have a great week!!!!  You're all super great!!

Sister Reed :)

1) Are these flowers familiar?  They totally remind me of my childhood

                          2) I love this picture

                        3) Hanging out in his yard

                                4) More flowers

                                           5) Me

                        6) Someone's little dacha house

7) Everyone by the new to-be building.  yes, right now it is called "Mirage"

                           8) me and Sis Tanadaichuk


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